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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lose Weight Fast for Teenagers

How to Lose Weight Fast for Teenagers?

It isn’t very difficult for teenagers to lose weight coz their bodies are still growing and they have excellent metabolism.

 Healthy Diet

1.  It all starts with a healthy diet. You don’t need to starve yourself coz your body will very easily use up, what you eat. Don’t forget that you are still growing. Starving can actually harm your system. When you starve, your metabolism slows down and goes into a state of hibernation, so that, it can store up energy. There are increased cases of conditions, like anorexia and bulimia, which may occur coz of starving.
2.   Knowing that what to eat and how much will definitely help. Here’s what you should include in your meals.
  • 3 servings of fruits.
  • 4 servings of vegetable.
  • 3-7 servings of protein (fish, meat, milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.).
  • Try not to eat carbs. They make weight loss very difficult.
  • 3-5 servings of fats (nuts, butter, mayonnaise, etc.).
  • Drink green tea/ water after every meal, so that, you don’t overeat.

3.   You must know the basic rules of a healthy diet while you are trying to lose weight or otherwise. Here’s the basic drill.
  • Breakfast should consist of carbohydrates, fat and dairy products.
  • Lunch should involve proteins and vegetables.
  • Dinner should typically have protein, veggies and small portion of carbohydrates.
  • Snacking in between meals is good as long as it is fruits, dairy products and raw vegetables.

4.   Drink loads and loads of water when you are trying to lose weight. If you have a habit of overeating, drink one full glass of water or green tea before the meal. Drinking water wouldn’t only keep you slim, it’d also give you a clear skin, and it dilutes the toxins and washes them off, gradually.

5.   Cut the fast food to bare minimum. If you really wanna lose weight fast, just cut it all out for a month or two. For a healthy lifestyle, you should decrease your fast food consumption.

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