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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Embroidered Ribbon Tulips

Embroidered Ribbon Tulips

Embroidery doesn't have to be done using specific patterns. This tutorial shows you how a few simple stitches, combined with ribbon instead of thread or embroidery floss, can quickly create some flowers. For this tulip I used ribbon about 1/4" wide, and made 3 straight stitches. I finished by back stitching some quick stems.

Start a single tulip by pulling your ribbon through the fabric from back to front.

After completing the first stitch, you will start the second stitch by passing back through your starting hole (again back to front). You will want to make this stitch about as long as the first, you will want to complete your second stitch to make a "V" shape on your fabric.

You complete the tulip by again stitching through your original hole and ending your stitch between the other 2 stitches. I generally make this center stitch a little longer than the other two.

Once your flowers are done, add in some simple stems. You can draw out your stems beforehand if you need a guide or try to freehand them.

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