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Monday, September 16, 2013

Most Incredible DIY Necklace Idea Ever!


Here is “how to make this amazing DIY necklace”

Step # 1

Pick golden ringlets (of different sizes) and a neon plastic thread (thick) from your local store. Assemble them along with a pair of scissors and a lighter.

Step # 2

Now arrange the ringlets in any way you wish to wear them. Don’t forget to click a picture as it will help you to remember the pattern.

Step # 3

Tie your ringlets with the neon plastic thread (do that thrice with each ringlet as this will not only provide a grip but will make your necklace look bright).

Step # 4

Now, burn the end each time you tie, so that it doesn’t loosen up (and ruin your accessory).

Step # 5

Tie all the ringlets (both big and small), according to the design you’d decided.

Step # 6

Now take a large chunk of the thread, and tie it on the 2 side ringlets.
It’s now ready to wear around your neck. Isn’t it a gorgeous piece of accessory?
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