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Friday, September 13, 2013

Spark up Your Love Life Again

Sometimes in the course of our life, the time comes, when we feel that there is a lack of intimacy and love in our relationship. It’s not something to be ignored; it’s something to be worked on in order to get the lost charm back in life. Read on to know the ways to spark up your love life.

1.   Home Cooked Food


The most sweet and simple way to make your love feel special is the delicious and special home cooked food, prepared exclusively for him with love and flair.

2.   Hot Chocolate or Wine

After dining, serve hot chocolate or wine, and make the atmosphere sensual and blistering. It will bring the missing fascination and perk up the beautiful memories again.

3.   Use Words to Express Your Feelings

Reading together with your love is a good idea to make the environment light and healthy. Start up with a romantic poetry book and express your feelings with words. You can also take help of a joke book. Trust me, it will do wonders and he will start feeling the entertainment, and the comfort level will come back in life.

4.   A Pleasant Smile can Do a Lot

“Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” – John Ray
Smile is the beginning of love. So, don’t forget to wear your sexy smile and everything will go smooth.

5.   Bath Together

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Bathing with your partner will be a great initiative. It will loosen up the feelings and bring you close to each other, reminding you of those beautiful moments.

6.   Look for a Creative Gift

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Always think of something new and creative in terms of his likings and disliking. Get him what he likes the most, like a pen, shirt, his favourite coffee, or his choice gadget. It will make him feel, how much you cares for him.
You can also show your love by making a sugary card or an exclusive collage of adorable pictures. It will take all the memories in flashback and you will remind him of those special and happy moments.

7.   Write a Letter

If you want to make things more memorable, write a letter to him telling the reason why he is so special to you and what you love about him. It will make him fall in love with you again.

8.   Click It!

Don’t forget to capture the moment you are building for him. Click all his surprising moments and give him a surprise.

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