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Saturday, September 14, 2013

DIY Oil Diffuser

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One of the most important elements in creating a desirable home is having beautiful scents throughout. I usually love opening windows, displaying fresh flowers, and burning candles to achieve this – and now I have one more to add to the list: oil diffusers. I discovered that you can actually create an oil diffuser at home, and now I’m obsessed. You can customize the scent, the sticks, and the bottle to your liking. Here’s how it’s done!

What you need:
DIY Oil Diffuser Materials
A glass bottle with a narrow opening, essential oil, and sticks of your choice. You can buy reeds that are specifically made for oil diffusers or you can just go outside and gather some sticks! Dried and peeled twigs, branches, and stems work wonders. These things are naturally made to draw liquid upwards, so this is how they will disperse the scents into the air.
What you do:
Fill your glass bottle with some drops of essential oil of your choice, fill to the top with warm tap water, and put your sticks into the bottle. Use about 20-30 drops of oil for every 8 ounces of water.  You can combine different types of essential oil to create the scent of your dreams. I really love lavender and eucalyptus together.
DIY Oil Diffuser
If you want to further personalize this project, decorate your bottle! I painted one with light blue dots of fabric paint, inspired by these mason jar lanterns.
Decorating glass bottle
To another bottle, I attached a little piece of birch bark and a feather using hot glue.
DIY Oil Diffuser
These oil diffusers are so gorgeous and make excellent gifts! I love the idea of packaging a few of them together, each with a different scent.
DIY Oil Diffusers

Give it a try!!
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