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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Burn Calories at Your Desk

Experts also recommend taking quick breaks to walk around if possible—even if it’s as simple as stopping by a coworker’s desk to ask her a question instead of emailing her, or running out for lunch rather than ordering in. And these exercises are no replacement for a real workout (sorry!), so don’t cancel your gym membership.
Exercise 1: The Chair Dip
Targets: Arms, core
While sitting in your chair, place each hand firmly in the center of the armrests. Lift your feet a few inches off the ground and engage your stomach muscles. Then press down with your hands to raise your body up off the chair, until your arms are straight. Hold for one count, then lower into the chair. Repeat for thirty seconds. (Warning: Only do this exercise if your chair has sturdy arm rests that are strong enough to bear your body weight.)
Exercise 2: The Desk Pushup
Targets: Arms, shoulders
Stand up and face your desk. Place your hands shoulder-width apart against the edge, and then step back so you’re about three feet away from the desk. Keeping your back and legs in a straight line, do pushups against the desk. Lower down until your chest almost touches the edge, and then push yourself back up. Repeat.
Exercise 3: The Seated Reverse Crunch
Targets: Core, inner thighs
Scoot forward so that you’re closer to the edge of your seat than to the back, and place your hands on the armrests. Put your knees together and slowly pull them up off the ground as close to your chest as you can get them. Hold for a beat, then slowly lower down. Try to keep your back straight, rather than rocking back and forth. Repeat.
Exercise 4: The Seat Squat
Targets: Legs, butt
Push your chair back and stand a few inches in front of it. Your butt should be facing the chair, your feet hip width apart. Hold your arms out straight in front of you, and then slowly bend your knees and lower down, so that your butt goes backward, as if you’re about to sit down in the chair. Keep your weight on your heels, and as soon as you feel the chair graze your backside, stand back up—don’t relax into the seat. Repeat.

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